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Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer
SIXTH EDITION - 6th edition
FRANK P. INCROPERA College of Engineering University of Notre Dame
DAVID P. DEWITT School of Mechanical Engineering Purdue University
THEODORE L. BERGMAN Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Connecticut
ADRIENNE S. LAVINE Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department University of California, Los Angeles
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تمرینات بسیار زیاد و خوبی در رابطه با درس انتقال حرارت دارد که حل تمرین آن نیز در سایت ما موجود می باشد و می توانید به راحتی دانلود نمایید (برای دریافت حل تمرین از لینک های مرتبط با این پست اقدام کنید یا جستجو کنید در سایت ما ebarkat.sellfile.ir)
Editorial Reviews
From the Back Cover
Respected for its readability, comprehensiveness, and relevance, Incropera and DeWitt’s text is the recognized standard for learning heat and mass transfer. This text combines detailed coverage with the resources students need to learn the concepts and apply them to solving realistic and relevant problems. Using a rigorous and systematic problem-solving methodology, the text is filled with examples and problems that reveal the richness and beauty of the discipline.
The 6th Edition introduces coauthors Ted Bergman and Adrienne Lavine, who bring their record of success in teaching and research in heat and mass transfer to the text.
New Features
- Expanded coverage of areas of recent interest in heat transfer, including fuel cells and alternative energy devices, electronics cooling, micro-scale heat transfer, and biological as well as bioheat transfer. New examples and homework problems are included for each area.
- Introduction to the concepts of nano-scale transport and unified treatment of transient conduction.
- New material on two-phase heat transfer and enhanced internal forced convection.
- New and revised presentation of mass transfer including applications in materials science and biological engineering.
- New, revised, and updated problems and examples.
Model, solve, and explore heat transfer problems:
Interactive Heat Transfer and Finite Element Heat Transfer software with User’s Guide
CD and print booklet, ISBN: 0-471-76115-X
Completely updated with a modern graphical user interface and better graphing tools, Interactive Heat Transfer (IHT) software will help you learn how to build thermal models, solve specific conditions, and explore the effects of multiple parameter variations. IHT is now capable of solving 300+ equations. The Finite Element Heat Transfer software enhances capabilities for treating steady-state and transient one- and two-dimensional conduction problems.
About the Author
Product Details
- Hardcover: 1024 pages
- Publisher: John Wiley & Sons; 6th edition (March 10, 2006)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0471457280
- ISBN-13: 978-0471457282
- Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 1.6 x 9.9 inches
- Shipping Weight: 3.9 pounds
- Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars See all reviews (48 customer reviews)
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #42,354 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
- #13 in Books > Science & Math > Physics > Dynamics > Thermodynamics
- #24 in Books > Textbooks > Science & Mathematics > Mechanics
- #42 in Books > Textbooks > Engineering > Mechanical Engineering
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کتاب الکترونیک Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer 6th edition by FRANK P. INCROPERA