{عمومی و تخصصی بازرسی فنی}--770 صفحه--محصول 2008--شامل تمام مباحث مربوط به خوردگی--ضروری برای تمام corrosion engineers--پیشنهادی--لینک دانلود-->>
Corrosion Engineering Principles and Practice by Pierre R. Roberge
{عمومی و تخصصی بازرسی فنی}--770 صفحه--محصول 2008--شامل تمام مباحث مربوط به خوردگی--ضروری برای تمام corrosion engineers--پیشنهادی--لینک دانلود-->>
The number of patients diagnosed with thyroid cancer is increasing dramatically
in the United States, and there are more than 30,000 new cases annually.
About 5% of adults have a thyroid nodule that can be felt and between 300/0
and 500/0 have one or more nodules that can be identified by ultrasound.
Thyroid Cancer in Clinical Practice covers all aspects of the diagnosis and
treatment of thyroid cancer. The author has spent more than 35 years in
Nuclear Medicine and Thyroidology in the clinical care ofpatients with thyroid
nodules and or thyroid cancer. He has published 150 peer-reviewed articles
and more than 100 reviews and book chapters, the majority devoted to these
topics. The text includes evaluation of a patient with a thyroid nodule. The
fundamentals of thyroid pathology are presented. The management of thyroid
cancer in adults, children, and pregnant women is covered separately. There
is discussion of whole-body scintigraphy with 123 I, treatment by surgery and
131 I, and the role ofthyroglobulin measurements. The importance oflong-term
follow-up using clinical examination, scintigraphy, ultrasound, and serum
thyroglobulin measurements ispresented. There are separate chapters devoted
to anaplastic cancer, medullary cancer, lymphoma of the thyroid, and metas-
tases to the thyroid. The pocket-sizedbook provides an easilyaccessiblesource
of information and advice to help practitioners manage patients and to under-
stand when to refer for consultations. The book supplements existing large
texts. Despite its pocket size, the text includes images and up-to-date proce-
dures such as fused positron emission tomography/computed tomography
images. There are more than 450 scientific citations from journals. The book
should be a convenient reference for practitioners and trainees in endocrinol-
ogy,nuclear medicine, oncology, surgery, including otolaryngology, radiation,
and medical oncology. Medicalstudents, nurse practitioners, and patients with
a thyroid nodule or thyroid cancer should find this to be a substantial resource.
Objective To examine the effectiveness of an intervention that
combined continuing medical education with process
improvement methods to implement “office systems” to
improve the delivery of preventive care to children.
Design Randomised trial in primary care practices.
Setting Private paediatric and family practices in two areas of
North Carolina.
Participants Random sample of 44 practices allocated to
intervention and control groups.
Intervention Practice based continuing medical education in
which project staff coached practice staff in reviewing
performance and identifying, testing, and implementing new
care processes (such as chart screening) to improve delivery of
preventive care.
Main outcome measure Change over time in the proportion of
children aged 24-30 months who received age appropriate care
for four preventive services (immunisations, and screening for
tuberculosis, anaemia, and lead).
Results The proportion of children per practice with age
appropriate delivery of all four preventive services changed,
after a one year period of implementation, from 7% to 34% in
intervention practices and from 9% to 10% in control practices.
After adjustment for baseline differences in the groups, the
change in the prevalence of all four services between the
beginning and the end of the study was 4.6-fold greater (95%
confidence interval 1.6 to 13.2) in intervention practices. Thirty
months after baseline, the proportion of children who were up
to date with preventive services was higher in intervention than
in control practices; results for screening for tuberculosis (54% v
32%), lead (68% v 30%), and anaemia (79% v 71%) were
statistically significant (P < 0.05).
Conclusion Continuing education combined with process
improvement methods is effective in increasing rates of delivery
of preventive care to children.
Oxford Practice Grammar with Answers تمرین گرامر آکسفورد (سطح متوسط)
تعداد صفحات: 434
زبان: انگلیسی
فرمت: pdf
Investigating School Leadership Practice: A Distributed Perspective
6 صفحه