Demise of Quran teacher, the master MOHAMMAD TAGHI SHARIATI:
Professor Mohammad TAGHI SHARIATI was born in 1286 (Persian Calendar) in MAZINAN village of SABZEVAR. Learned elementary lessons from his father and uncle and in1307 for continuing study went to Mashhad. Learned many things from some professors like Sheikh HASHEM GHAZVINI, great ADIB NEISHABORI, Second ADIB NEISHABORI, SHEIKH KAZEM DAMEQANI and MIRZA AHMAD MODARES. His social operations started from1311 when his entered to culture ministry and started to teach in EBNE YAMAN School. From the year 1320 onward, which was coincided with occupation of Iran by Confederates and increasing TODEH party operations, he started to fight against intellectual deviation and Islam rejection activities, alone.
He established publishing center for Islamic truths in Mashhad and by holding weekly meetings and speech and interpretation, made minds of young people bright.
Professor Mohammad TAGHI SHARIATI from 1323 had a active attendance in polities and because of his anti-authoritarian struggles went to jail, twice. But never stepped back from his way. He was interpreting about Quran in HEDAYAT mosque of Tehran, instead of Ayatollah TALEGHANI.
With establishment of HOSEINIYEH ERSHAD (a religious school and mourning place) and by invitation of professor MOTAHARI, he taught and made speeches, there for four years. From this leading person, some important articles such as new commentary, caliphate and VELAYET book, Imamate in NAHJOLBALAQE and Ali the witness of prophecy, were remained.
Finally this wise professor past away in 13th FARVARDIN
1366 encounter with 21st of SHABAN 1407 (lunar), when he was 80 years old.
1ستاد محمد تقی شریعتی(انگلیسی)